1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

Fight Nassau County Exec's Layoff Plans

We received the following from Rosalie Longo and our sisters and brothers of the Freeport Federation of Teachers. We need to add our voices to theirs at these Mobile Town […]

Insult to Injury

The NCCFT Executive Committee wants to welcome Dr. Faren Siminoff as Secretary of the NCCFT. Dr. Siminoff has hit the ground running and we look forward to strengthening our team […]

What's it all about?

NCCFT members are wearing buttons that encourage students and other members of the campus community to ask us what it’s all about. The “it” is the newly energized activism of […]

NCCFT President's Statement to the BOT

NCCFT Statement to BOT on 10/12/11 read by M. D. DeSanto Good Evening I am Debra DeSanto, president of the NCCFT. The name of our school is Nassau COMMUNITY College. […]

NCCFT Update: 10-10-11

The sudden resignation of Michael Freeman from the Board of Trustees has certainly come as a shock, at least to us. We are also surprised that the announcement about his […]

Call to Action

On behalf of the NCCFT, I want to extend our congratulations to Dr. James Hoyt who was re-elected to serve as Vice-President of Non-Classroom Faculty.  Next, it is with sadness […]

T-11: Tower of Babel

What the Forked! Let me be clear about the FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) requests mentioned in Chuck Cutolo’s allncc email. The NCCFT Collective Bargaining Agreement provides for the NCCFT […]