Our VOTE-COPE Dollars At Work: Unions Did Very Well In Tuesday’s Election And NYSUT Had A Lot To Do With It!

At least 25 NYSUT members were elected to office statewide on Tuesday, demonstrating in no uncertain terms the difference we can make at the polls. Each of these newly elected […]
The NCCFT Executive Committee Offers Testimony Before the New York State Senate Higher Education Committee

NCCFT President Frank Frisenda and Vice-President/Classroom Donna Hope attended and presented testimony at the New York State Senate Higher Education Committee’s public hearings, which were held on campus in the […]
New York State Community College Budget Update

At the most recent meeting of the Academic Senate, Chair Anissa Moore, President Keen, NCCFT President Frank Frisenda, and others engaged in discussion about a proposed new funding model for […]
The NCCFT at NYSUT’s Higher Ed Lobby Day 2019

NYSUT’s Higher Education Lobby Day takes place each year as the New York State Legislature starts preparing its annual budget proposal. Hundreds of higher education labor activists from throughout the […]
Frank Talk from The President’s Desk – Welcome Fall 2018

Welcome to the Fall 2018 semester. I want to extend our appreciation to the non-classroom faculty who ensure a smooth start to classes and provide, throughout the year, the continued […]
Why We Need NYSUT

This week, NYSUT released its 2018 legislative wrap-up, which we encourage you to read through, as it provides a detailed overview of the legislative work NYSUT does on behalf of […]
Preparing for Janus 3: What We’re Up Against

Starting with this post, the next three in our “Preparing for Janus” series, will focus on the following: Locating the Janus case within the right’s broader, national, union-busting strategy; Sketching […]
NYSUT’s Journal, “Educator’s Voice,” Issues A Call for Proposals

This call for proposals was recently forwarded to the NCCFT office. We are sharing it because we know that NCC faculty are among the most innovative in the country. This […]
SUNY Together: Building Bridges among SUNY Retirees, Campuses and Communities

If you are interested in information about this conference, which will take place at Farmingdale State College on Friday, October 13, from 9:00 to 4:00, you can find it here: […]
How Do You Measure a Community College’s Success?

Some of us have been around long enough to remember, maybe twenty or so years ago, when a SUNY-generated “community college report card” was making the rounds. Nassau Community College […]