1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

More Federal Aid Available for Community Colleges

The U.S. Department of Education announced on Thursday Jan 20 that Community colleges and institutions in rural areas will be prioritized in another $198 million of federal coronavirus relief aid.  […]

Martin Luther King’s Call to Educators

Dear Colleagues:  Today is set aside to reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King’s iconic words and deeds. As educators, let’s consider his message on education, which Dr. King understood is […]

FIRE Letter to Nassau Community College

Please read the letter sent by FIRE to our Board of Trustees, responding to the Board’s December 23rd  letter which attempts to silence faculty criticism of our BOT and college […]

Letter of Discontent

December 13, 2021 Dear Board of Trustees, About five years ago, Middle States found NCC out of compliance with 7 of their 14 standards.  A single vote prevented us from […]

Our Dental Insurance

Our dental insurance is covered under section 38 of the NCCFT contract. SECTION 38 DENTAL PLAN 38-1 The County will contribute $574 annually per employee prorated on a monthly basis […]