1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

Thanksgiving November 2022

There are so many things we are grateful for; too many to list, but here are some!    Thank you. . . To the faculty who signed up for the NCCFT […]

VOTE-COPE: What it is and Why we Ask

VOTE-COPE is the acronym of Voices of Teachers in Education—Committee on Political Education. This is the political action fund of our parent union, NYSUT, and, as up to 40% of […]

Faculty Excluded at 9/11 Mourning

The full-time faculty at NCC has always honored the memory of 9/11 and those that perished on that never-to-be forgotten day. Since that time the college has held an annual, […]

How to Improve Enrollment

We all know NCC is “enrollment challenged,” so we encourage the administration to adopt the following policies: Give our students a simpler, easier online application and an “instant acceptance.” The […]

More Exciting Work by NCC Professors

We are delighted to share some of the accomplishments of our faculty that have recently come to our attention: Congratulations to Communications professor Deirdre O’Connor, who wrote and directed the […]

NCC Prof Jacqueline Lee Co-Leads $5 Million NSF Grant

Nassau Community College and Hofstra University have received a $5 million, six-year grant from the National Science Foundation. The principal investigators and co-leaders of the program are Prof. Jacqueline Lee […]

May 23 Rally: NCC for 2023

May 23, 2022 was a good union day!  First, there was the NCCFT rally in front of the Nassau County Legislature at 3:30 p.m.; its turnout, 50 people, we think […]

Board of Trustees, Please Revise

    We ask the Board of Trustees to submit a revised College budget proposal for 2023 that reflects an increase in operating funds. We ask the Nassau County Legislature […]