1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

White House Summit on Community Colleges

The Chronicle of Higher Education reminds us that the White House is sponsoring a summit on community colleges on October 5, 2010. Dr. Jill Biden will lead the summit and […]

Steve Perry, CNN, and Monday Morning Music

As many of you are aware, misguided and politically motivated forces are at work whose agenda is focused on the systematic dismantling of Public Education. Several examples include the restructuring […]

Welcome Back!

The Fall 2010 semester is upon us and the NCCFT wants to welcome new faculty to the campus and to welcome back those who have been away during the summer. […]

AFT Action Alert on Pell Grants

The House of Representatives approved an emergency spending bill that included $10 billion to save educator jobs and $5 billion for Pell Grants. It is now up to the Senate […]