Understanding Your Pay Deduction
Dear Members, Posted below is the chart regarding pay deductions due to the college’s decision to enact clause 36-5 of our contract, which the college office of human resources distributed […]
Election 2023 – Candidate Forums
Thank you to all the candidates who participated in the Election 2023 Candidate Forums! Their responses are available through YouTube and the embeds below. http://youtu.be/7RHOR2DKEfY President Vice President Non-Classroom/Professional Faculty […]
Sign the Petition to SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. to Intervene and End NCC Trustees’ Waste and Dysfunction
NYSUT Action: Let’s Make Community College Funding a Priority!
SUNY & CUNY community colleges serve as the gateway to higher education for a large number of students, many of whom come from the neediest communities. Community colleges got a […]
A Model Letter asking Interim President Conzatti NOT to Enact Pay Reductions
To: Maria.Conzatti@ncc.edu; BoardOfTrustees@ncc.edu CC: hkopel@nassaucountyny.gov; dford@nassaucountyny.gov; kabrahams@nassaucountyny.gov; sbynoe@nassaucountyny.gov; csolages@nassaucountyny.gov; DMule@nassaucountyny.gov; Wgaylor@nassaucountyny.gov; JGiuffre@nassaucountyny.gov; MPilip@nassaucountyny.gov; Dwhitton@nassaucountyny.gov; jkennedy@nassaucountyny.gov; TMcKevitt@nassaucountyny.gov; lschaefer@nassaucountyny.gov; Jferretti@nassaucountyny.gov; ADrucker@nassaucountyny.gov; Rwalker@nassaucountyny.gov; JLafazan@nassaucountyny.gov; RNicolello@nassaucountyny.gov; MGiangregorio@nassaucountyny.gov Subject: A “pay cut” of NCC faculty […]
Negotiations Update, March 14, 2023
Let’s Review Over the years the NCCFT has agreed to a contract in which everything we value sunsets, and, most egregiously, since 1982 the contract has contained a provision (section […]
Call for Volunteers for Informational Picketing!
We need volunteers for informational picketing in March and April! We need a fair contract, and we must get the word out! We know that Nassau County wants a strong, […]
Overview of NCCFT Executive Committee Achievements from February 2022 to the Present
Sabbaticals: We are happy to announce that we now have an MOA for sabbaticals for this year. ASEC Reassigned Time: The Academic Senate Executive Committee received reassigned time for […]
Send a Letter to Nassau Legislators and County Executive Bruce Blakeman asking for a Fair Contract for NCC full-time Faculty
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Please send a letter to Nassau County legislators and County Executive Bruce Blakeman asking that Nassau Community College full-time faculty be given a fair contract. Also, […]
Become More, NCC Alumni Share their Experience
The NCCFT has been active on a number of fronts, including getting more value from NYSUT and promoting the college. We are proud to announce that due to our efforts, […]