1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

BOT Watch: NCC Board of Trustees Meeting – April 13, 2021, with NCCFT Secretary Lynn Bergin’s Remarks

Committee Meetings


The Public Session

Secretary Bergin’s Remarks

Good evening Trustees,  Dr. Williams, members of the administration, faculty, staff, students, and guests. My name is Lynn Bergin. I am the newly elected secretary for the NCCFT and I am a full professor in the Administrative Business Technology/Health Information Technology Department.  Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you tonight.  As you have heard previously from my colleagues on the NCCFT, we will be speaking with you on a rotating basis on behalf of our members and the campus community.

The NCCFT has been expressing concerns regarding ventilation and air quality on campus. We are pleased to hear from Dr. Muscarella about the plan the college has, and we look forward to sharing the information with our members.

We understand there are still many unanswered questions concerning the health and safety of our members currently on campus and for those returning to campus, including (but not limited to): social distancing expectations, safe entrances to buildings, safe classroom capacity, guidelines to protect our non-classroom members and members of the PFU in Student Services and the Library, meeting CDC guidelines on cleaning, ongoing surveillance testing, contact tracing and the overall safety of every member of our campus community.

It is extremely important to address these concerns, create a clear and comprehensive plan and share that plan with the campus in order to ensure we provide every member of the campus a healthy and safe environment. The NCCFT is looking forward to working with the College on implementing that plan.

Campuses across the country are facing new challenges each and every day.  Here at NCC, it is our hope that we all can work on a united front for the benefit of every member of our campus community.

Thank you again for having me and have a wonderful evening.

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