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NCC Trustees Try to Break Free of SUNY Oversight over Community College Pres or Chief Administrative Officer

Board of Trustees meeting of Sept 10, 2024. Trustee John Durso reads the resolution.

From the minutes of the Sept 10, 2024 Board of Trustees’ meeting:

Trustee Durso introduced the following resolution:

WHEREAS New York State Education Law Section 6306, specifies that COMMUNITY COLLEGE shall be administered by a board of trustees; five appointed by the local legislative body or board, four by the governor, and one elected from the student body; and

WHEREAS Education Law § 6306 (2) states, in relevant part, that [t]he board of trustees of each community college shall appoint a president for the college, subject to approval by the state university trustees” (see also 8 NYCRR 600.2); and

WHEREAS, the Nassau Community College Board of Trustees subject to the approval of the local sponsor acting through its local legislative body or board, or other appropriate governing agency, and pursuant to such regulations and limitations as may be established and prescribed by the state university trustees, may enter into any contract or agreement deemed necessary or appropriate for the effective operation of the college, including, but not limited to, the employment contract with its President; and 

WHEREAS, the responsibility and the authority to conduct the annual performance evaluation of the College President and to amend the terms of their contract rests only within the authority of the College Board of Trustees; and 

WHEREAS, the College Board of Trustees has been advised that the Chancellor of State University of New York has indicated a desire to intrude in the process of selection of a president for community colleges, notwithstanding the absence of any statuatory or regulatory authority for the Chancellor to do so; and

WHEREAS, New York State Education Law and the Code, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York provides for the limited involvement and authority of the State University Board of Trustees to approve the appointment of a Community College president following appointment of a president by a board of trustees of a community college, and does not grant to the Chancellor of the State University of New York, any authority whatsoever respecting the appointment of a community college president.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nassau Community College President’s/Chief Administrative Officer’s performance appraisal, performance evaluation or performance review may only be conducted by the Board of Trustees of Nassau Community College pursuant to the President’s/Chief Administrative Officer’s employment contract and said employment contract can only be altered, or amended through negotiations between the Board of Trustees of Nassau Community College and the President/Chief Administrative Officer, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Nassau Community College expresses its opposition to the attempted and illegal usurpation of authority regarding the appointment or evaluation of a president of a New York community college, as announced by the Chancellor of the State of New York. 

Chair Gardyn requested a motion to consider this item. Trustee Tuman moved the motion; seconded by Trustee Siberón.  Motion carried 7-0-1 (Weiss). 

7 Responses

  1. This is so narrow-minded. My wife and my daughter benefited from the great classes at NCC. The great classes come from well-rounded, well-educated, and well-prepared teachers which are hallmarks of the state-wide SUNY/CUNY system. I am also a proud graduate of CUNY (Lehman). The system works because you are all connected and have the resources as a nimble Education model to attract outstanding teachers and curricula based on sound research. Don’t become parochial. Don’t limit yourselves to the local vision of local leadership. Why limit yourself? Already the board is out of step with teachers and students on issues such as your genuflecting to a casino which will bring economic, environmental, and social fabric harm to our beautiful County. Be global and be national in your thinking. Do not separate yourselves from SUNY oversight. Your past success comes from NCC being included in all things SUNY/CUNY.

  2. The scheming, conniving, self-serving board of trustees is at it, yet again. I’m sure that sure that there will be more superfluous, $180K+ administrator positions, soon — to be filled by friends, family…and “donators.” THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY REMAIN THE SAME!

  3. This is a most unfortunate power grab by the BOT, which recently has shown poor judgement in its decisions about the College. I attended NCC and I taught there, and it is quite disturbing to see what is happening to this once very fine institution. Furthermore, I believe that this latest action by the BOT is what is illegal, NOT the position and actions of SUNY. NCC is a constituent institution of SUNY and therefore subject to SUNY oversight. SUNY has every right to intervene when it sees problems in how one of their institutions is being run.

  4. Isn’t it past time for the Regents of the State of New York to declare this Board of Trustees a disaster? Isn’t it time for the Regents to appoint a receiver to take charge of Nassau Community College and work to restore it to the stature that it had? For at least 15 years, this Board of Trustee has demonstrated that they are incompetent to serve as the overseers of this institution. It is past time for a change!

  5. It is so disgraceful that they’re resorting to all this law breaking. What is Middle States going to think about this? I shudder to think about it!

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