1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

Stop Cutting NCC Programs Letter Campaign

Please send a letter now to save Nassau Community College. Ask elected leaders and SUNY administration to provide competent, stable college leadership that will build, not decimate, the college. Click here to be directed to the site of our letter campaign, where you can begin writing.

Nassau Community College needs competent administration: NCC is suffering from poor administration. Policies like early class cancellation; skeleton scheduling; the elimination of 15 academic departments; failure to hire sufficient full-time faculty, including those working in financial aid, advisement, counseling, labs and help centers; proposed elimination of theater and dance; insufficient support for ESL, developmental education, the Honors program, and special needs students; along with the abandonment of cultural programming and support for student clubs are but a few of the problems plaguing NCC.  Around the country enrollment is up, but at NCC, increases are lower due to these policies.

Meanwhile, the number of administrators keeps growing, changing, and their salaries increasing. The number of administrators doubled in the past year to 62 with more on the way!

The College is without a permanent president due to the NCC Trustees failure to follow SUNY guidelines and while the search is still open the NCC BOT refuses to do a new search. Chief Administrative Officer Conzatti’s salary has ballooned to $290,000 plus car, telephone, and $4,000.00 per month for housing and other expenses — making her the highest paid head of a community college in the SUNY system. Yet, her administration continues to nickel and dime our students.

In March 2024, the NCC full-time faculty passed a Vote of No Confidence in the NCC Trustees and Senior Administration. Nassau County, the SUNY Chancellor, and SUNY Trustees, must ensure that NCC has leadership that will grow the college, not dismantle it.

Click here to be directed to the site of our letter campaign, where you can write your letter of concern.

Then, please forward this letter writing campaign to family and friends that you know would want to save NCC.

3 Responses

  1. 5 comments from earlier NCCFT articles most certainly apply:

    “The scheming, conniving, self-serving board of trustees is at it, yet again. I’m sure that sure that there will be more superfluous, $180K+ administrator positions, soon — to be filled by friends, family…and “donators.” THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY REMAIN THE SAME!”

    “It is so disgraceful that they’re resorting to all this law breaking. What is Middle States going to think about this? I shudder to think about it!”

    “So sad that these takers are ruining this college. So sad, indeed.”

    “In a nutshell, it sounds like a bunch of self-serving crook administrators throwing the students and faculty under a bus.”

    “Superfluous, overpaid administrators and contractors — brought in by cronyism — at the expense of all others. What else could it be? Nothing screams louder than this kind of corruption!”

    1. Thank you for everyone who participated in this letter campaign. We sent 1,050 letters to SUNY Trustees, the SUNY Chancellor, SUNY Vice Chancellors, Nassau legislators, and Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman!

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