Barbara Applegate, Art, Technical Assistant
Tania Barbosa, AHS, Clinical Instructor
Maria Benner, Nursing, Instructor
Patricia Bove, Hospitality, Instructor
Joseph Causarano, AHS, Instructor
Donna D’Ambrosio, Math/Com, Technical Assistant
Derek Dathe, AHS, Instructor
Jean Forbes-Chung, Nursing, Instructor
Robert Fournier, Chemistry, Instructor
Jean Francois, AHS, Instructor
Molly Heit, Chem, Technical Assistant
Miriam Hertzon, Theater, Instructor
Caitlin Lapine, Economics, Instructor
Debora Lee, Nursing, Instructor
Virginia Masterson, Accounting/Bus, Instructor
Jacob Miller, AHS, Instructor
Flor Molina, Hospitality, Technical Assistant
Robert Monfiston, AHS, Clinical Instructor
Jennifer Notti, AHS, Instructor
Julia Price, Marketing & Retailing, Instructor
Tara Schneider, AHS, Clinical Instructor
Carol Schwally, AHS, Clinical Instructor
Harpreet Singh, Chem, Technical Assistant
Carletta Stackhouse-Amaya, Nursing, Instructor
Lan Tu, AHS, Clinical Instructor
Daniel Yee, Math/ Comp Sci, Instructor
We hope that they will join the NCCFT. We are only as strong as our membership!
On October 10, new faculty are invited to meet department and committee chairs, NCCFT department representatives, and the union officers at the NCCFT New Faculty Luncheon in CCB 252 from 11:30 to 1:00. This is a great time to learn about the full-time faculty union, its committee for “Junior” Faculty, and ask questions.
Non-classroom VP Virginia Sanchioli is also available on Monday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00, and on Tuesday afternoons, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm in the union office, building F, room 3293 for faculty questions or concerns. (Thank you to Executive Board member, Professor Joe Bernat, for the suggestion.)
The NCCFT’s Office Manager, Danielle Sforza, is available in the union office, F 3293, Monday through Thursday, from 9:15 to 2:15, to address questions or guide you through the process of joining the full-time faculty union! You can contact her at or call 516-572-7198.
Its’s been a challenging year, but better times are ahead.