1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

NYSUT Action: Let’s Make Community College Funding a Priority!

SUNY & CUNY community colleges serve as the gateway to higher education for a large number of students, many of whom come from the neediest communities.

Community colleges got a boost in the 2022-23 enacted budget, but they have yet to recover from years of underinvestment by NY state.

A single year of adequate funding is just a start. Sustainable funding is critical to stabilize and support our community colleges and provide resources to these important institutions — to ensure that they remain open as students return and have the faculty needed to provide a high-quality educational experience.

Furthermore, community college students bear stresses that make it difficult to stay in school. Oftentimes, they are first-generation students. A significant number come from families with median incomes well under the New York state average. Many face food insecurity and, for most, their colleges provide their only access to mental health services. The need for additional funding for student support is acute.

Take action now at the NYSUT Action Center to urge lawmakers to prioritize funding for community colleges and support for the students they serve!

Let’s make sure NY state invests in operating support for SUNY & CUNY community colleges, as well as student support for the poor and middle-class students that rely on those community colleges for higher education and so much more.

Please take action now!

In solidarity,

Andrew Pallotta, NYSUT President
Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT President

P.S.  Stabilizing and supporting community colleges will help those who rely on this critical pathway to success — and often have no other higher education alternatives.

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