1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

The NCCFT Strategic Initiative Supplemental Budget Proposal

For almost 6 million we could hire about 50 new faculty and move forward on the following 36 initiatives; all but 8 are direct workforce ready programs, sitting on the shelf for lack of funding and faculty:

Health Care:

  1. Grow the Medical Assistant program. There are more student applicants than can be accommodated.
  2. Develop a Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
  3. Develop Hearing Instrument Sciences/Specialist Program
  4. Develop an Ophthalmic Medical Technician Program
  5. Maintain and increase the capacity for nursing student enrollment
  6. Create more Nursing degrees

Arts and Theater

  1. Support new programs in Animation, Game Design, UX/UI Design, Web Development and Design
  2. Maintain 3D/Ceramics/Sculpture instruction and 2D/Printmaking
  3. Maintain degree programs in Acting, Technical Theater and Dance as well as the extensive Theater Production Program. NCC students and graduates have benefited from Broadway being only 30 miles away; alumni are extremely successful.

Science and Engineering

  1. Create new Baccalaureate Transfer degree program in Chemistry (AS) and support new Chemistry Tech program
  2. Maintain programs in computer repair technology, engineering science and electrical engineering technology which will stop without replacement of retiring faculty
  3. Create a two-year construction management degree with internship.
  4. Create micro-credential in planetarium presenter
  5. Create micro-credential, certificate and AS in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Environmental Resources

  1. Create micro-credential, certificate and AS in environmental monitoring
  2. Develop a program in Aquaculture such as oyster farming.


  1. Expand American Sign Language Program.

Math, Computer Programming, and Internet Technology Services

  1. Create new Degree Program in Statistics ASA transfer program providing training for employment in companies requiring professionals trained in the handling and analysis of large data set
  2. Support programs in Networking and Cyber Security including creating a certificate program

Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

  1. Increase the diversity of our Criminal Justice program
  2. Develop a Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate
  3. Develop an AA/AS Degree in Pre-Law

History, Geography, and Political Science

  1. Create a Long Island History Institute with oral history interviews to be archived in the College Library
  2. Create and maintain an archival collection that will support the rich history of the campus, surrounding community and support future programming initiatives


  1.  Hire a bilingual, bicultural full-time faculty member to teach Latino/a and Latin American literature courses (in translation).
  2. Hire more full-time faculty to meet the demand for first year composition.

Marketing and Administrative Business Technology 

  1. Support two new degrees AS Marketing and AAS Sport Marketing. Work to connect the program with Coliseum
  2. Promote Entrepreneurship AOS degree and Certificate.
  3. Open a Small Business Development Center on campus.  This could partner with the Small Business Administration and economic development agencies and play a key role in the economic development of the County by supporting existing and start-up businesses with advice, counseling, and training
  4. Create a credentialed program that provides business management in the cannabis industry (Note, SUNY has grant money earmarked for this new industry.)

Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work

  1. Create an AS and a Certificate in Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counseling
  2. Create Anthropology and Archaeology micro-credentials

Psychology and Education

  1. Expand SUNY Teacher Education Transfer Program. (Note, SUNY has grant money earmarked for education given the statewide shortage of primary, secondary, and preschool teachers.)
  2. Create a Coaching Course/certificate that would help individuals become certified coaches.

Student Services and Admissions

  1. Replace Admissions retirements to boost enrollment
  2. Create a Latino/a student center to develop stronger connections to community and student organizations and to provide a range of student services to the Latino/a student population.

TOTAL Cost:  $5,912,000
(56) New Instructors (6) Replacements (4) New TAs

Other initiatives to save students money and increase enrollment:

  • Waive Application fee: about $376,462 (proposed 2022-2023 budget) to $500,000
  • Waive Parking fee: about $525,000 (proposed 2022-2023 budget).

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