Members of the NCCFT Political Action Committee joined a coalition of SUNY UUP, NYPIRG, CUNY students, the PSC CUNY, and labor unions to march for more funding for SUNY and CUNY on March 6. From Borough Hall in Brooklyn, across the Brooklyn Bridge, to Foley Square in Manhattan, demonstrators chanted “Students, faculty, staff unite, Same Struggle, Same Fight!” — and specifically asked the State government to fund SUNY and CUNY by $250 million more each. Students spoke of the need for more mental health and academic counselors, for rebuilding academic departments and crumbling buildings, funding starved teaching hospitals, and the financial hardship for students as tuition has crept ever higher with State budget cuts.
Call, email, write your State legislators! The State budget will be voted on in three weeks! Research shows that SUNY strengthens our economy, our communities, and transforms lives: Rebuild our crumbling public universities: #FundSUNYNow.
Find Your Representatives here.
Thank you to PAC Committee chair Caitlin Thurber for organizing us! Below are Caitlin Thurber, Charlie Hicks, Christine Tuaillon, and NCCFT Secretary Suzanne Kaebnick.