Terms and Conditions of Employment refers to the contractually defined policies and procedures governing every aspect of the job you do here on campus, including the number of hours you work per week, how and under what circumstances you can take time away from your job without jeopardizing your employment, and the process by which alleged contract violations committed against you can be redressed. When we negotiate “terms and conditions,” or seek to protect them through a grievance, we do so with the understanding that our jobs are not divorced from the rest of our lives and that we exist as educational workers within four interlocking relationships:
- Between yourself and the job you’ve been hired to do: Contractually, this would include, among other things, your job description and your work schedule.
- Between yourself and your colleagues: This would include the sections of the contract that apply to the Academic Senate, the chairs, the P&Bs, to the P&T and Sabbatical Committees, or any other situation in which one or more bargaining unit members are given decision-making authority over others.
- Between yourself and your employer: This would include, among other things, your salary, the grievance procedure, and the promotion process.
- Between the job you’ve been hired to do and the life you live outside that job: This would include your health benefits, retirement contributions, sick days, and the various kinds of leave we are entitled to take.
Some of these terms and conditions, like the grievance procedure, apply equally to everyone. Others, like academic freedom, which may not at first seem like a term or condition of employment, are less about specific policies and procedures and more about the ethical framework within which we and the college agree academic research, teaching, and learning should take place. Still other terms and conditions define and govern your particular job on campus. We urge you to familiarize yourself with those job-specific sections of the contract, especially since some of the contractual rights you have may exceed those granted to you under the law. If you have any questions about those rights, or about any other aspect of the terms and conditions of your employment at Nassau Community College, please contact the union office: 516) 572-7198 or NCCFT@ncc.edu.
If you would like a copy of all the broadsides in a single file, you can download it here.