Watch this video produced by A Better Choice For New York and then please call your lawmakers in Albany. Tell them that the state needs a responsible budget that represents better choices for our students, our colleagues, and our communities.
Here’s an Action Alert from NYSUT:
It’s crunch time: Call lawmakers in Albany on MONDAY!
After months of no progress, lawmakers appear close to agreeing on a state
budget with massive cuts to education and health care. It’s an election
year and legislators are desperate to get out of Albany and back to their
districts. We can’t let them leave town agreeing to Gov. Paterson‘s
devastating and irresponsible budget plan. We need you to act MONDAY!Use the AFL-CIO’s toll-free number 1-877-255-9417 to call your state
representatives and tell them there’s a better way.Tell them to support a progressive income tax hike on the state’s
wealthiest New Yorkers. We’re talking about New Yorkers earning more than
$1 million and $5 million dollars per year. Tell lawmakers we’re depending
on them to support a budget that shares the pain equally and does not
disproportionately hurt working class families.We need to make our voices heard!