1 Education Drive

Room F-3293 Garden City, New York 11530

"Don't Let Albany Turn School Funding Into A Game"

NYSUT fights for fairness across the entire spectrum of education, from pre-K through university. We need to make sure we are fighting for each other. Recent changes to education funding for elementary and secondary education will be devastating not only to the teachers and students whose school budgets will be affected, but also for us when those students find their hopes and aspirations for a higher education are shattered by limited educational opportunities. Please take a moment to read the NYSUT call for action below and sign the petition. It only takes a moment but it demonstrates the strength and solidarity of our movement, and adds to our power as a statewide union.


Did you know that lawmakers in Albany want to turn school funding into a game?

$250 million in this year’s Executive Budget for school aid is carved out as a competitive grant program that will benefit only a select few districts.

Tell lawmakers in Albany: Competitive grants are inappropriate and unfair.

Moving the proposed grant funding back into general operating aid will allow all school districts greater flexibility as they work to restore critical programs and student services hit hard by last year’s devastating cuts and the new property tax cap law.

Sign the petition.

Share it with friends, family, colleagues and others interested in our kids’ futures.

It’s part of NYSUT’s campaign to tell Albany that supporting education shouldn’t be based on a competition.